MX-240, Fully Automatic Biochemistry Analyser

Random Access fully automatic chemistry Analyzer
240 tests / per hour (Without ISE)
315 tests / per hour (With ISE)
End point, xed point, Kinetic
Reagent Postion: 40
Sample Position: 40
Min. Reaction Volume : 150ul
Sample Volume 2-50ul
Sample Disk : 40 Positions •Reagent Volume R1: 50-450ul, R2: 10- 300 ul,
Step by: 1ul
Reagent Disk : 40 Reagent Positions, 24 hours water cooling, 4-12°C
Olympus Reagent Bottle
LIS Interface : Bi-LIS Interface
Open System
Weight – 100 Kg


The Random Access fully automatic chemistry analyzer offers a throughput of 240 tests per hour (without ISE) and 315 tests per hour (with ISE). It features 40 reagent and 40 sample positions, with a sample volume range of 2-50 µL and minimum reaction volume of 150 µL. The system includes a Bi-LIS interface, open system, and 24-hour water cooling for reagents. Weighing 100 kg, it provides efficient and reliable testing.


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